Dr. Freek Steyn

In practice since 1986

Practice number



MBChB (University of Pretoria)

M Prax. Med. (University of Pretoria)

LKS (SA) (Thorax)

MMed (Thorax) (University of Pretoria)

Medical Discipline

Cardiothoracic surgeon

Field of interest

Heart and lungs


Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons, Health Professions Coucil

Contact details

Telephone number:  +27(0)12 343 3466/3238 (ZAH x370101 or x247)

Mobile number:  +27(0)82 551 4835

Fax number:  +27(0)12 343 0633

Physical address:  Zuid Afrikaans Hospital Consulting Rooms, Suite 419

Postal address:  PO Box 72223, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040